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While trying to find a title for this post, I realized it was a bit similar to another neighboring post from a few years ago, the connection being they were both shot at hotels designed by Bill Bensley, in his signature style of escapism, i.e in my words, with style dripping around every corner. Anyway….

I met Shawn and Lyn a few years ago, when one evening while I was out shooting as assignment in Saigon, I got a text asking if I could be free this evening to come to make some images of them, as they were dressed to the nines in one of Saigon’s fanciest hotels. Luckily, I had everything I needed in my bag, and was nearby, and within a short span, we met and made some images they still love, they tell me ๐Ÿ™‚

Cut to last month, I’m now based in Central Vietnam, and Shawn sent me a message asking if I could meet them at the Intercon Danang Resort, a beautiful property I’ve shot at a few times, to make some new images to celebrate their engagement. Being not too far away, I of course said yes, and we met early one sunny morning to spend a few hours exploring the resort and making some frames. Here are a few of my favorites.



Author quinnadmin

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