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It was the middle of October when I was sent to New Delhi on assignment for Everlane. I hadn’t been to India for some years, and I hate making such long and infrequent trips just for one day of work and home, so I booked an extra day to catch up with a local friend and see what else I could get into, ie make some images for myself!

I was staying at a very nice hotel, yet not really in a great location near anything I knew in Delhi, so I just went exploring nearby. Walking out of the hotel and down a main road, I started snapping a few things. Not exactly what I had in mind, but we always have to get warmed up on something. Off of the big road, down a smaller road that seemed to be a market of sorts, I thought I was starting to get on the right track. A few more random right turns and I’d found a fairly busy street with lots of people, action and the light was decent. I was drawn to the guy on stilts, selling hair oil, I found out, and figured this was a good subject to keep warming up on and try to make something. Focusing on shooting for a minute, the next thing I know, I turn around and there are about 20 people behind me looking over my shoulder. “Hello” I said cheerfully.  I’m always keen to interact with the locals, but I wasn’t sure if this was going to help things or not.

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This is where everything sort of changed. As I was shooting and chatting to some kids around me (and trying to get a drunk guy to leave me alone!), I hear in fluent English “Hello, what’s your good name?” Rather formal I though, but I was intrigued. I turned around to find a young man smiling back at me. I answered with my name and he introduced himself as Ajeet. We chatted in place for a few minutes, and then asked if he could show me around his neighborhood. Absolutely I said!

We started walking around (he finally got the drunk guy to leave me alone too!), and a colorful maze of alleys with some interesting light appeared. Can we go in there I asked? Sure he said. This is what I thought I was looking for, but wasn’t super confident about venturing in on my own. But with Ajeet’s local passport and knowledge, it was on!

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We started to navigate the labyrinth of colorful walls, homes and shops, all with the most perfect afternoon light piercing in and bouncing around. I was a pretty happy photographer at this point already just having the chance to be there.

Around one corner, a boy played on a metal stairway set against a beautifully aged and textured wall, probably not knowing he was also smack in the middle of an amazing piece of light. I fired off a few frames, working through the initial shyness followed by a big smile, and then in a fraction of a second, I think I made my favorite frame of the whole afternoon!

Appeased even more by a multitude of smiling and curious local faces, we wandered on for a few more hours, until the sun fell and they alleys succumbed to shade and evening.

Here are a few more images I made on this short, but unforgettable wee walkabout in New Delhi.

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A big thanks again to Ajeet for your kindness and time showing me around your neighborhood for a few hours. Until next time…!

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Author quinnadmin

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